Winter Term Data Services Workshops

Knight Library from the North entrance covered in snow

Hey Everyone!

Data Services is happy to announce our Winter 2023 workshops schedule. 
This term, we are offering workshops on RPython, using Zotero to manage your citations, and more

Introduction to Python (In-person & on Zoom)

This eight-session workshop will introduce you to the fundamentals of programming in Python. This course is intended for absolute beginners or anyone wanting to review the basics. This series lays the foundation for attendees to understand Python code and begin writing scripts that apply to their work. We have scheduled an hour and a half per session in order to allow for questions, but most sessions will last about an hour.

1. Setup & Python Fundemanetals 
2. Analyzing Data With Python
3. Visualizing Data with Python
4. Lists and Loops in Python
5. If, Else, and Functions in Python
6. Troubleshooting and testing 
7. Debugging 
8. Make your life easy with Python on the command-line 

The workshop series follows this Software Carpentries workshop curriculum.

Introduction to R  (In-person & on Zoom)

Are you interested in using R and RStudio but unsure where to start? This workshop is for you!

This six-session workshop will introduce you to the fundamentals of using R! This course is intended for absolute beginners or anyone wanting to review the basics. Each session will be an hour and a half per and follow the schedule below.

1. Intro to R and Rstudio (January 17th)
2. Getting started with R Part 1 (January 19th)
3. Getting started with R Part 2 (January 24th)
4. Data visualization with R & ggplot (January 26th)
5. Functions Explained (January 31st)
6. Working with Data in R part 1 (February 2nd)
7. Working with Data in R part 2 (February 7th)
8. Reproducible reports with R & Rmarkdown (February 9th)

The workshop series follows this Carpentries workshop curriculum.

Intro to Zotero Workshop(In-person & on Zoom)

Zotero is a free citation manager that allows you to save citation information while searching and browsing databases. Zotero makes it easy to save citations and enables you to create customized bibliographies in standard citation styles, including MLA, Chicago and APA. This workshop will introduce some of the key functions of Zotero such as: installing Zotero, adding citations to your Zotero library, organizing and managing your citations, creating a bibliography, and using the Microsoft Word plug-in to easily insert citations from Zotero into your documents. 

Participants are encouraged to bring their personal computers so that they may download and interact with the program. This is a hybrid workshop and will not be recorded.